SenCSs stands for Sensible Standards CSS baseline, (pronounced "sense").
It supplies sensible styling for all
repetitive parts of your CSS, and doesn't force a lay-out system on you. This allows you to focus on
actually developing your website's style.
The example file shows all the functionality SenCSs offers.
Donate :)
If you enjoy using SenCSs, please buy me a coffee or a beer :)
About SenCSs
For one, SenCSs isn’t a framework like other CSS frameworks.
It doesn't include a
layout system littered with silly classes and pre-set grids, so what does SenCSs do for you? SenCSs does everything else:
baseline, fonts, paddings, margins, tables, lists, headers, blockquotes, forms and more.
All the stuff that's almost the same in every project, but that you keep writing again and again …and again.
SenCSs handles that for you. And nothing more.
- What does SenCSs do for you?
- Stays close to the browsers base styling, but adding some sense to it
- Sets a vertical rhythm for all elements (18px baseline)
- Sets a common typographic standard across browsers
- Has fonts specified for windows, mac and linux
- Is optimised, meaning no “double resets”, to make the CSS as efficient as possible
Further reading
Thank you!
A thank you for the people that in any way contributed, helped and gave feedback.
- Eric Meyer
- Paul Chaplin
- Andy Ford (and Sava CMS)
- Jonathan Snook
- Bert Visser
- Matt Varone
- Anatoli Papirovski
- Arjan Eising
- Probably some others I shamefully forgot :)
Changelog for version 0.8.1 (released 01 July 2010)
- add in display:block for HTML5 elements (transitional)
Changelog for version 0.8 (released 26 April 2010)
- Fix for font-size in textarea in firefox
- Remove border around linked images
- rhythm fixes for multiple form elements
- fix rhythm issues for h3
- Add dejaVu sans font for recent ubuntu versions
Changelog for version 0.7 (released 22 February 2010)
- move all helper classes to an external file
- Fix vertical rhythm for certain form elements
- Remove the text-align center from message styles
- add explicit font-weight declarations to the heading elements
- clean up documentation and repository
- move fully to GitHub
- hide focus effect on buttons in firefox
- clean up form css
- add a number of IE8 fixes
Changelog for version 0.6 (released 23 February 2009)
- tweaked sub/sup styling to make them easier to work with
- removed explicit link colour, unneeded background colours, .section declaration
- placed back missing quote functionality in the css reset
- moved list style from the list item to the list container
- fixed safari bug with monospaced fonts
- reworked form styling
- added borders
- refitted to the vertical rhythm
- added optgroup styling for firefox
- pixel perfect in firefox and ie6/ie7
Changelog for version 0.5 (released 24 December 2008)
- fixed problematic styling of tt/kbd/code and sub/sup in firefox and ie6 + 7 on windows
- removed search form styling, horizontal description lists first-line style
- improved firstParagraph:first-letter
- many form styling improvements
- removed changelogs from the SenCSs file
- start made for @CSSDOC style comments
changelog for version 0.4.6 (released 28 July 2008)
- fixed a missing comma in the font-family of textarea
- fixed a firefox 3 bug and opera bug in .firstParagraphArticle:first-letter
- fixed img styling inside elements
- added table styling
changelog for version 0.4.5 (released 21 June 2008)
- removed background:transparant;
- set explicit focus styles
- added liberation sans as the 2nd fallback font
- removed small-caps from code, kbd and tt
- added a warning style
- changed the first paragraph style
- removed all-bold paragraph
- set the first line to bold, removes small-caps
- positioned the first letter crossbrowser
- added i and b styling
- added a two column DL style
- improved sub rendering in opera and ie
- rewrote all margin-* & padding-* to margin/padding
- added a font-size-adjust to pre, tt, kbd and code
- added explicit line-height for safari 2
- added acronym stylings
changelog for version 0.4 (released 15 June 2008)
This is the first release, so there are no changes here :)
& this is the last sentence on this page, fin!